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Restorative Dentistry

We offer a range of restorative dentistry services to help restore the function and appearance of your smile.

Composite Fillings or "Bonding"

Composite fillings, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are a type of dental filling made from a mixture of plastic and fine glass particles. They are used to repair and restore teeth that have been damaged by decay, fractures, or wear. Composite fillings can be used to fill cavities, repair chips and cracks, and reshape teeth. They are made to match the color of your natural teeth! The procedure to place a composite filling is typically performed in one visit, and the filling is bonded to the tooth using a special light or chemical. 


Zirconia Crowns and Bridges

Zirconia crowns are a type of dental restoration that are used to repair and protect damaged or decayed teeth. Zirconia is a strong, durable, and biocompatible ceramic material. These crowns are highly resistant to wear, chipping and breaking, making them a long-lasting solution for dental restoration. They are also highly esthetic, as they can be made to mimic the appearance of natural teeth.


The procedure to place a zirconia crown typically involves removing a portion of the damaged tooth to make room for the crown, taking an impression of the tooth, and then creating a custom-made crown in a dental laboratory. The new crown is then cemented onto the existing tooth. Crowns are typically a two-appointment procedure.


A dental bridge is a type of dental restoration used to replace one or more missing teeth. The bridge is made up of one or more artificial teeth, called pontics, that are anchored in place by dental crowns on either side. The crowns are placed on the natural teeth, abutment teeth, adjacent to the gap created by the missing tooth, and the pontics fill the gap between the abutment teeth, allowing you to chew and speak with confidence and comfort.


Dental Implants

Dental implants are an effective way to replace missing teeth. They are small titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as the roots of missing teeth. The implant is allowed to fuse with the bone over time, a process called osseointegration, which provides a strong foundation for the placement of artificial teeth, such as a dental crown, bridge or denture.


The process of placing and restoring dental implants typically involves several steps. First, you will have a consultation with our team to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Next, the implant is surgically placed into the jawbone. After the implant has fused with the bone, an abutment (a small connector piece) is placed on top of the implant. Finally, an artificial tooth, such as a dental crown, bridge or denture, is attached to the abutment. 


Dentures and Partial Dentures

​If you have one or more missing teeth, a partial denture may be a good option for you. A partial denture is a removable appliance that can replace one or multiple missing teeth. It is made up of a plastic base that is designed to fit over your gums and a metal framework that holds the replacement teeth in place. The replacement teeth are typically made of acrylic or porcelain, and they are designed to look like your natural teeth. The partial denture is held in place by clasps or precision attachments that fit around your remaining natural teeth. You may need to adjust to wearing a partial denture, but it can improve your ability to eat and speak, and enhance the appearance of your smile.


Another option for replacing missing teeth is a complete denture. A complete denture is a removable appliance that replaces all of the teeth in either the upper or lower jaw. They are typically made of acrylic and are designed to fit over your gums. Complete dentures are held in place by suction or a small amount of dental adhesive. The denture will have to be adjusted to your gums and mouth as they change over time, which can happen due to the natural aging process or other dental issues. Complete dentures can take some time to get used to, but they can greatly improve your ability to eat and speak, and enhance the appearance of your smile.

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